
documentation for the game servers and community

What is

We’re a small community-oriented game server hosting group, organized primarily via the Discord. We host games of interest to our community and some small technical projects related to developing them.

Games and Servers


2022-08-23: Main website update

The main website was finally updated from “coming soon” to link to this documentation and the discord. I guess this means we’re finally open!

2022-08-13: Added mcMMO to Minecraft

By popular vote of the Minecraft Users the mcMMO plugin has been added to the server. Documentation for minecraft updated to link to the main mcMMO skills wiki.

2022-08-11: Spelljammer Academy opens on the Foundry Virtual Tabletop

A small band of adventurers on their way to sailing the Wildspace between the worlds must first deal with a far greater foe: school-based bureaucracy!

2022-07-27: Documentation site release

This is it! The thing you’re reading right now! Documentation and resources for all the games and services under the umbrella.

2022-07-26: Minecraft v1.19 server opening day

Minecraft is back with a v1.19.1 server, now with Bedrock client compatibility. Server modifications are very minimal, but Vane is back with its custom enchants and small Quality of Life improvements.

2022-07-01: ARK: Survival Evolved server opening day

Running the Fjordur map with several quality of life modifications, the ARK server is now online for community access.